Sunday, July 22, 2012

Emotional lability.

One of the things that annoys me about being pregnant - every now and then, I do not have full control of my moods.  I'm pretty good if I can keep myself distracted, but at other times, I get all emotional.  I know it's stupid, and I know it's related to hormones.  And I find that even more annoying.

We're still working on the nursery (read: rearranging the house and engaging in spring cleaning).  We've made a lot of progress, to the point where only piddly little things and big massive things await.  I hate that stage.  To be honest, if it were up to me, I would jump to the huge things.  But that is not methodical, and the little things would still be waiting, taunting us.  *sighs*

I think I want a milkshake.  A nice, thick, creamy milkshake.  It would be great if we had a Sonic nearby, but alas, New England has not embraced the awesomeness that is the Sonic franchise.  Where can I get a milkshake...

And when I begin talking about milkshakes, it's time to end the blog post.

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